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Clinical tests

Does Femaltiker help with breastfeeding?

After giving birth, new mothers are often unsure whether they will have enough breast milk. As soon as their newborn starts crying, most mothers think that their baby is hungry.

Many mothers try to increase their breast milk supply using traditional methods. However, this is neither necessarily safe nor always successful.

We decided to prove that Femaltiker with the Lactanell formula has a positive influence on breast milk production.

Clinical trials

How did we conduct our investigation?

The study included mothers who had a premature birth between the 25th and 37th week of pregnancy.

Clinical trials

What was the investigation based on?

Clinical trials

What did we find out?

One of the most important results was the finding that the Lactanell formula contained in Femaltiker had a stimulating effect on the mammary glands and that the amount of breast milk produced was significantly greater than that in the placebo group.

You can download the study here.

Clinical trials